Practice News

This page will be regularly updated with important practice news and announcements about Sunray Surgery, with the newest articles appearing at the top of the page.

Senior Partner retires

Article date: 20th March 2023

Dr T C Mohan is the founder and senior partner in a local NHS GP surgery, Sunray surgery located in the Sunray Estate, Tolworth Surrey.

After 40 years of continuous service to the local community in Tolworth, Surbiton and parts of New Malden she is aiming to retire by the end of March this year.

All services currently provided by Sunray surgery will continue to be provided by the same team under the medical directorship of the remaing partner.

Sunray Surgery Feedback

Article date: 31st Aug 2021

Vestibulum diam quam, mollis at consectetur non, malesuada quis augue. Morbi tincidunt pretium interdum. Morbi mattis elementum orci, nec dictum porta cursus justo. Quisque ultricies lorem in ligula condimentum, et egestas turpis sagittis. Cras ac nunc urna. Nullam eget lobortis purus. Phasellus vitae tortor non est placerat tristique. Sed id sem et massa ornare pellentesque. Maecenas pharetra porta accumsan.

Nam porttitor arcu turpis, eget fermentum odio accumsan sed. Maecenas semper diam cursus fermentum blandit. Donec auctor arcu in sapien cursus vestibulum. Maecenas auctor quis magna sit amet ultricies. Donec elementum orbi tincidunt pretium interdum. Morbi mattis elementum orci, nec dictum porta cursus justo.

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Changes form 1st July 2021

Date: 30th June 2021

  • Please register for Online services so that you request repeat medication, make appointments & view test results.
  • Please do not make e-mail requests for repeat prescriptions ,clinical problems , suggestions or concerns.
  • Repeat medication request need to be made using on line services or dropping the repeat prescription slip in the box provided at the surgery.
  • Clinical problems can be discussed by Telephone consultation with a health care professional.
  • Appointments can be made by telephoning the surgery or using our on line service .
  • Access to on line service can only be allowed after completing the necessary forms available at reception.
  • If you have any suggestions or concerns ,please complete the necessary forms available reception desk.
  • Please ask reception staff to register for this service . You need to bring a form of identity into the surgery to register for on line services.
  • This will enable all patients to get the necessary services promptly & efficiently.